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MT Overview

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The machine translation (MT) sub-component implements the hybrid MT paradigm, combining an example-based (EBMT) component and a Moses-based statistical approach (SMT). Firstly, the input is processed by the example-based MT engine and if the whole or important chunks of it are found in the translation database, then the translation equivalents are used and if necessary combined (Gavrila, 2011). In all other cases the input is processed by the categorisation sub-component in order to select the top-level domain and respectively, the most appropriate SMT domain- and POS-translation model (Niehues and Waibel, 2010). The translation engine in the system, based on MT Server Land (Federmann and Eisele, 2010), is able to accommodate and use different third party translation engines, such as the Google, Bing, Lusy or Yahoo translators. The diagram below depicts the approach that brings the MT technologies to ATLAS.